How to Make Duplicate Vehicle Documents?

When a person owns a car, they must be aware that, beyond the vehicle itself, there are other aspects to take into account, including the bureaucracy associated with it. This translates into the need to have certain documentation, being mandatory to carry some documents in the car in the event of an accident or that the Traffic agents request it in some type of routine control.

Although we currently live in a digital world in which more and more issues are digitized, there are certain documents that are mandatory to carry in the vehicle. Although in some cases it is possible to reach the telematic route, there are some supporting documents that it is necessary to always carry with us.

Given the importance and obligation of carrying certain documents in the vehicle, it is especially important that, in the event of theftloss or theft of the original document, it is necessary to know how to make duplicates of the vehicle documentation, an issue that we are going to deal with. throughout this article.

However, before getting into the matter, you should know that the administrations in charge of issuing duplicates of the mandatory vehicle documentation are the Provincial and Local Traffic Headquarters. This requires the prior request of the owner of the vehicle and the process to carry it out is similar in any of the three cases.

Mandatory official documents

When talking about mandatory documents that are needed to be able to circulate and that may be necessary in the event of an accident or at the request of traffic agents, there are the following:

Driving license

The driving license is the document that accredits a person to be able to drive. This must always be in force and be valid for the type of vehicle you are going to drive. In this way, if you have lost it or it has been stolen, you will need to have at least a provisional authorization.

It is important that you know that it is mandatory to always carry your driving license with you. In fact, if it is requested by the agents and you do not carry it, you will expose yourself to a fine.

circulation permit

The circulation permit is the green document issued by the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) and that shows that the vehicle has the necessary characteristics to be able to circulate on public roads. In fact, it is the one that links the vehicle with the owner.

One point to keep in mind in this regard is that the circulation permit is common to all the countries of the European Union. This contains data such as the license plate, the brand, the maximum authorized mass, the model, etc. It should always be up to date.

Instructions for making duplicate vehicle documents

Request the duplicate in Traffic

To request the duplicate in Traffic you must follow a series of very simple steps, which we will indicate below. However, you must bear in mind that if, for some reason, you cannot go yourself, you can send someone on your behalf, although in this case it will be necessary for them to carry an official document that proves your identity and your written authorization.

What you need to request it is the following:

  1. Fill out the official form. The first thing you must do is fill out the official form that can be found on the official website of the General Directorate of Traffic. However, you can also find it at the Traffic Headquarters itself, although it is best to take it already made. You must deliver this same printed document to the corresponding Provincial Traffic Headquarters together with your DNI, original Residence Card or passport, which must be valid; and also together with the circulation permit, except in the case of loss or theft of it.
  2. You must provide proof of payment of the corresponding fee. For this you can use three different forms of payment: online on the official website of the DGT, with a bank card at the Traffic Headquarters or in cash at financial institutions.

Also, in the case of renewals of the circulation permit due to data changes or other reasons, you may need additional documentation.

Request a duplicate online

If instead of going to the Provincial Traffic Headquarters in person, you prefer to do the procedures online, you can do so through the Organization’s Electronic Headquarters. You can request the duplicate electronically through the Electronic Headquarters of the DGT for those cases in which it is a loss, theft or deterioration, accessing the platform with your digital certificate, electronic DNI or clove PIN.

However, in order to carry out the procedure you must have previously downloaded the Auto Firma program and have the previously paid fee number, which you can find on the purchase receipt. The renewal is free and you only have to pay for the duplicate.

The steps to follow are very simple, since it will be enough for you to access the corresponding section and fill in the contact fields, notification mode and enter the license plate; and also the reason why the duplicate is requested.

When the General Directorate of Traffic has made the appropriate checks, it will send you a provisional permit by email. You will receive the final one by mail within approximately two weeks.

What do you need to make duplicates of the vehicle documentation?

  • Fill out the official form.
  • DNI, original residence card or passport
  • Driving license (unless it is a case of loss or theft)
  • Proof of payment of the corresponding fee.