What Is Torque

In this world there are two types of people, those who disassemble the artifacts to be able to repair you, and they do it perfectly, and those who, when trying to assemble, discover that they have pieces left over and that the artifact was worse than it was in A beginning.

Most of us fall into the second group. However, a small minority is especially interested in the mechanical part of objects. In fact, if they have the opportunity to study a university degree, they opt for one that has to do with this branch.

Unfortunately, not everyone has the same opportunities in life. But, those who cannot enjoy higher education have the option of sitting around lamenting what could have been and was not, or learn empirically, that is, from their own experience.

These types of people are the ones who sharpen a billiard ball. They are able to know a piece in its entirety, but they also recognize how it works. In order to determine for which specific cases it is useful.

The automotive area is a true delicacy for this type of person. There is so much to learn! So much to know! Those who dedicate themselves are the ones who become true experts.

If you are passionate about this field, you may have heard about torque, do you know what it means? If not, would you like to learn? Don’t let the pot go away! You don’t have to be curious.

This article has been written with people with a desire to learn in mind. For this reason, it has been written in an easy to understand way so that there are no gaps in knowledge so that it can be applied in the future. Let’s see it now.


When we watch television we come across a barrage of advertisements for different car brands. In these advertisements it is common for a series of figures to be displayed that are related to the technical part of the car, that is, its speed, acceleration, consumption and that are really fascinating.

But the truth is, even if you are an experienced driver, you can never reach those standards. But don’t be sad about it. There is a physical fact that you can enjoy, it is the engine torque, which, until recently, was considered of little importance.

But what is torque? This is also known as torque. It is a physical magnitude that is responsible for measuring the moment of force that has been applied to an axis, which rotates on itself.

Now, if this concept is applied to motorsports, it could be defined as the force that is applied to the crankshaft of the engine so that it can rotate. In this way it is capable of transmitting this movement to the other mechanical elements so that the vehicle can move easily.

It is true that by giving this definition we are dealing with an abstract concept and not reality as such. When we talk about the engine torque we have to take into account that this is responsible for measuring the power that is needed for the engine to make a certain number of revolutions, without taking into account the power that is applied to the crankshaft to modify the speed.

To better understand, it is necessary to explain what is the function of the crankshaft and the forces that influence it.

In a combustion engine, energy is produced in the cylinders. When the air mixes with the fuel, an explosion is generated. The energy produced by said explosion is what gives way to a linear movement when the piston is pushed.

The pistons are attached to the crankshaft and it is at that junction that the magic happens. There the linear movement is transformed into a rotational one.

In order to simplify the idea of ​​how energy is transformed, it could be said that the rotating blocks are the ones that generate the torque instead of power.

Now, it should be noted that the force exerted by the piston on the crankshaft is not a constant force. However, the moments of maximum power are in harmony with moments of maximum torque, which are of great importance in terms of the operation and the perception of smoothness of the engine.

The more cylinders the vehicle’s engine has, then the more times those moments of maximum force will occur, even per minute. Sure, this should be understood as a mere theory, why? Because today manufacturers strive to make their engines as smooth as possible in terms of operation.

Now, how can you determine or calculate the torque. We will be talking about it in the next subtitle.

What do you need

Measuring the motor torque is possible. But keep in mind that it is a very complicated procedure and almost impossible to explain. It is best to leave this task to professionals, since they are capable of handling modern machines and modern computer programs.

In the case of a combustion engine, torque is a variable that will depend on the power generated in the cylinder chamber and the number of revolutions at which the engine rotates at a given moment.

However, there are other factors that must be seriously considered. Among them we have the internal friction of the motor. These frictions cause part of the power obtained by the engine to be lost as heat. At this point, we must keep in mind that energy is neither created nor destroyed, but rather transformed. In this case, in heat.

In addition to this, there are external factors that can affect the power that an engine generates. For example, a motor that rotates at a certain speed constantly, will generate more power when traveling on a flat road than when going down a slope.

Other external factors can be the friction of the tires and the aerodynamics of the vehicle itself. The fact is that, in both cases, contrary and variable forces are generated in relation to the movement of the vehicle, which makes the value of the engine load also variable.

The engine load, in turn, also has a considerable effect on driving. The fact that it is difficult for a vehicle to gain speed on an ascending stretch than on a descending one, is evidence of the variation in engine load.

When ascending, the amount of usable torque from the engine tends to decrease, so it is clear to observe several situations:

  1. In order to keep the engine turning constantly, it is imperative to have more power. This is achieved by pressing harder on the throttle, in order to inject a richer, more fuel-efficient mixture into the cylinder chamber.
  2. As the slope of the track becomes greater, the speed of the vehicle tends to decrease. This arises as a consequence of the fact that the forces contrary to the movement are greater than the torque that is generated in the motor.

As in the case of rotary motors, electric motors can also produce rotational movement. This is because the operation of an electric motor is based on a basic principle of magnetism, where equal charges repel each other and different charges attract each other.

In the case of a thermal motor, the amount of torque obtained can vary depending on the number of times the block rotates. However, in the case of an electric motor, the torque is practically constant. Practically, because it is not in its entirety. This is a product of the basic operating principle of this type of engine and the technology that has been applied today.

Now, up to this point, the torque function could be considered complicated, and it really is because it is related to physics. But what tips should you keep in mind related to this topic?

It is true that it is a complex topic, but the truth is that it is very important to be able to keep up with this technology. Therefore, how can we recognize what the engine torque of a vehicle is? We will see it next.


Until recently, only professionals in the field knew that a car with square cylinders could be more balanced to drive. Also, in the event that the road was less than the diameter, it would be a powerful vehicle, but with modest torque.

The opposite also is true. In the event that the diameter of the road was greater, there would be a greater amount of torque or torque.

Currently we can say that most of the engines available on the market belong to the modular families. This makes it possible for manufacturers to offer blocks with more or fewer cylinders. Also, they offer gasoline or diesel with some ease and changes considered minimal.

The variations that occur in the engine torque and power are a consequence of the use that is given to it and of the combinations of the different applications, both technical and electronic, that the manufacturer wishes to implement.

Despite all these explanations given, reality will always overcome any theory that has been raised. We will see it more clearly if we use an example. In the market, we will be able to find engines with about 6 cylinders but with the power of an 8.

In addition, there may be 3-cylinder engines that are just as smooth, or even more so, than other four-cylinder engines with a similar capacity and even diesel engines that have the same compression ratio as a gasoline one. This allows us to see that, today, anything is possible and more so when taking into account how technology has evolved.

Let us remember that the purpose of this article was not to give a master class in physics, since that would only obscure the explanation of what a motor torque is.

Rather, what was wanted to achieve was to be able to explain in an understandable way what engine stoppage is, also known by the name of torque.

In addition, it was intended to explain what is the impact of this on daily driving and that you could be aware of the power of a vehicle, which will always be closely related to the engine torque or torque. Otherwise, it would be a very significant value of the behavior that it has.

Words more words less, the truth is that now you have basic notions that will allow you to recognize which is the best option for you, in view of your lifestyle and daily routine. This will allow you to be more satisfied with the power of the vehicle you use to drive.

We hope that this article has been able to fulfill its objective and is useful to you.