How to Fill Out a Friendly Accident Report

The friendly accident report is a document that is usually filled out in the case of a minor accident, through which those involved in an accident must provide their corresponding personal data; and also those of their insurance companies.

Through a small sketch that reflects what happened, the causes of the accident must be indicated, in addition to specifying who was to blame for it, even if they are not directly alluded to.

The purpose of the friendly part is to speed up the procedures and the repair of vehicles damaged as a result of the accident. In the event of an accident, the insurer of the not-at-fault driver is the one that proceeds to appraise and repair the damage to the car.

Once the year is over, the different insurers proceed to the accounting of the accident reports and compensate the damages. That said, it is very important to know how to fill out a friendly accident report, in case you find yourself in this type of situation in which you must fill it out.

Instructions to fill out a friendly accident report

If you want to know how to fill out a friendly accident report step by step, you must follow the instructions that we are going to show you below. However, first of all we remind you that it is a document that must clearly indicate the details of those involved in the accident. In addition, both drivers must reach an agreement and place their signature at the end of the document.

  1. First of all, it must be filled in, indicating the date and time the accident occurred. The place where it has taken place must also be specified, and if there have been personal and material damages beyond those suffered by the vehicles themselves. In the event that there are witnesses to what happened, it is necessary to write down their personal data so that the insurers can contact them if they so require.
  2. In the next section of the document you will find a blue column in which the data of one of the drivers must be included; and a yellow column in which you must do the same with the data of the other driver. In this same section is where you must fill in all the data of the vehicle, such as the name of the insured; the insurance company; the policy number; driver; and the starting point of the accident; and also the vehicle makes, model, license plate and place of registration. At the same time, you will have to refer to the damages that have been suffered, as well as any other data of interest.
  3. The third step is to make a drawing showing what happened in detail. In this section, which you must complete when knowing how to fill out a friendly accident report, you must give as many details as possible. It will depend on this that insurers can assess what happened; and thus determine who was to blame. This sketch must indicate how the accident occurred and the final position of the vehicles.
  4. Once the friendly part has been completed, a copy must be sent to the insurer within a maximum period of 7 days. Each of the drivers should keep one of the copies to give to their insurance company.
  5. Subsequently, it will only be necessary to wait for a processing process and corresponding repair to begin.

Tips for filling out a friendly accident report

Now that you know how to fill out a friendly accident report, we are going to give you a series of tips that you should keep in mind when doing it:

  • It is essential to fill out the document correctly. This will help insurers to know what happened, so it is important to reach an agreement for the drafting of the report.
  • All sections must be completed clearly and in capital letters. Nor should you skimp when describing the accident. The more information you can provide the better and if necessary, you can send photographs of what happened to the company.
  • If there are more involved in the accident, their details should appear on the back of the report. All vehicles must be identified in the accident sketch with their license plate.
  • In the friendly report there are almost twenty circumstances to indicate the cause of the accident. If none of them correspond to what has actually taken place, this space should be left blank. However, instead it should be explained how the accident took place through the section devoted to observations.
  • Once the entire accident report has been completed, all those involved must sign the document.
  • In the event that there is no agreement or the final wording of the part made by another person does not fit what has happened, it is best to call the police.
  • After the definitive signature of the document, no more data can be added.