How to Calculate the Price of a Second Hand Motorcycle?

At some point you may find yourself needing to sell your motorcycle but you really don’t know what price you should put on it to try to get rid of it.

Keep in mind that vehicles depreciate very quickly over time, since just buying it and using it once is already considered a used vehicle; and this means that, automatically, the value of that product is reduced by up to 18% depending on the brand and model.

Therefore, it is difficult to be able to determine the sale price of a motorcycle that is interesting for you but also for people who may be interested in making the purchase. If you want to know how to calculate the price of a second-hand motorcycle, we are going to give you some tips and steps that you must take into account in order to carry out the sale in the best conditions. In this way, by placing a fair price, it will be much more likely that you will be able to achieve your sale in less time.

Instructions to calculate the price of a second-hand motorcycle

In the event that you want to know how to calculate the price of a second-hand motorcycle, you should start by taking into account different aspects in order to determine the final price of a second-hand motorcycle.

You must bear in mind that we are going to talk about the different statistics and aspects that are valued by experts in the sector in order to determine an indicative price to fit the market. In this way, it has a very useful tool that helps determine the most appropriate price for the motorcycle based on various aspects. To start you must follow these steps:

  1. First of all, in order to determine an appropriate sale price, you must start by taking into account key aspects to determine its value. Among them are the depreciation of the motorcycle over time; the price of a repair or breakdown; the brand and model of the motorcycle; year of enrollment; mileage; and the extras that it may have installed. If you take into account all these aspects, you will be able to get closer to the final sale price.
  2. From the moment a motorcycle leaves the dealership after buying it, its price begins to devalue. However, not only the time it takes to use influences the sale price, but there are other factors that cause it to devalue. This is the case for the following aspects:
    • Color: Motorcycles that have colors that are too strident or flashy mean that they have a lower market price than those that have a more neutral one.
    • Scratches: If the body has any type of damage in the form of scratches or the like, this will also reduce its market value.
    • Condition of the tires: If at the time of sale, the tires are not in perfect condition and are found without tread or in poor condition, this will also mean a lower price when selling it.
    • Without ITV: In the event that the motorcycle has not passed the Vehicle Technical Inspection (ITV) or in the event that its maintenance book is not updated, its price will also be lower.
  3. When you are clear about the above, it is recommended that you get the motorcycle ready before the sale, so that you can make it look in the best possible way and that it is in the best conditions to be able to obtain a greater profit when selling it. In addition, you must Keep in mind that the best time to put it up for sale is in the third or fourth year after the purchase, as this is when you can find more interesting buyers. This is because the sale price that you can place will be closer to what you are really interested in. From that moment the price will drop considerably.
  4. If you have doubts about the price of your motorcycle to put it up for sale, it is advisable to go to a specialized workshop, where professionals and motorcycle experts can make an appraisal of the vehicle. In the same way, you can go to a store for sale so that you can know an indicative price and thus be able to determine the market value of it.
  5. To know how to calculate the price of a used motorcycle, you should also consider that, in addition to the 18% of its value that it loses when it is registered, in the first 3-4 years, its approximate depreciation is 10% per year. From that moment on, the decline stabilizes at 5% per year. However, everything will depend on the needs of the market.
  6. Once the above is done, it will be time to put the motorcycle up for sale. To do this, you can resort to different methods, the most common at present being that of resorting to web portals for sale. In them you can place the appraisal of your vehicle. When doing so, you must be aware that it is preferable that you bet on placing an adjusted price but, in case of doubt, bet on the highest value among your doubts. the buyer tries to haggle to find a better price. In this way, you will have the possibility of having a certain margin to be able to make a reduction and still find the final sale price that corresponds to the economic amount that you really want to obtain with your sale.