How to Pass The ITV of Motorcycles?

In addition to sharing road safety tips or teaching you how to tighten the chain of a motorcycle, it is necessary to take into account other aspects that are related to the maintenance and circulation of vehicles. Among them is the obligation to pass the annual technical review, better known as the Technical Inspection of Vehicles.

Although we have already talked about how to pass the ITV without having to go to a center, now we are going to focus on knowing how to pass the ITV for motorcycles. In this way you will have more options to pass these tests whose purpose is to guarantee that the vehicle is in good condition to circulate.

The tests carried out on the motorcycle are very exhaustive, especially with certain components and parts such as brakes, noise or emissions. In addition, any modification of the motorcycle will also be reviewed so that it can be certified that it complies with current regulations.

Passing the Technical Inspection of Vehicles is mandatory, and if it is not passed, there are substantial sanctions that must be faced. That said, we will tell you what you should know if you are interested in knowing how to pass the motorcycle ITV.

When to pass the ITV of a motorcycle

The ITV on motorcycles is mandatory after four years from registration. From that moment on, as with cars, an inspection is carried out every two years. In the case of mopeds, they are inspected for the first time three years after their registration; and since then, every two years.

However, it must be taken into account that the latest update of the ITV regulations establishes that in the case of motorcycles with registrations prior to the year 2000, they must pass an ITV every 6 months. For their part, motorcycles prior to the Euro4 regulations that have been registered between 2000 and 2017 are reviewed every year.

Once you know how often you must pass the ITV of your motorcycle, you must take into account the sanctions that you can suffer for driving with this expired permit or without the ITV. In this case, the fines are between 200 and 500 euros; and even the agents could lead to immobilize the vehicle.

For its part, the cost of the technical vehicle inspection (ITV) for a motorcycle varies between autonomous communities. The highest price is in Andalusia with 43 euros, while the lowest is in Navarro, with 18 euros for completing this test.

How to pass the ITV of motorcycles?

If you want to know how to pass the ITV for motorcycles, you should know that, apart from not having unpaid traffic fines, you will have to go to the ITV station by appointment before the expiration date of the vehicle’s ITV, taking with you the following documentation:

  • Technical sheet of the motorcycle. The ITV card is a document through which it can be proven that the vehicle, in this case the motorcycle, is approved to be able to circulate on the roads of Spain.
  • Driving permit. In the event that it is not provided, from June 2021, the ITV itself has the possibility of verifying it directly by consulting the Traffic Registry.
  • Insurance receipt. Motorcycle insurance must be in force. As with the previous driving license, currently from the ITV you can consult a database with the registration of insured vehicles.
  • DNI. In some autonomous communities, the National Identity Document of the motorcycle driver is requested.

Once the documentation has been provided, it can be submitted to the ITV test, in which the different components of the vehicle are verified, to verify that they work as they should.

What is reviewed in the ITV of a motorcycle?

During the ITV test of a motorcycle, different components and aspects are reviewed, such as:

  • The chassis number, which must be legible and match the documentation.
  • Condition and characteristics of the tires.
  • Operation of the taillights, headlights and turn signals.
  • Horn operation.
  • The noise of the motorcycle is measured.
  • The efficiency of the brake system is checked.
  • Data dioptric check, since the rear reflector is mandatory.
  • Operation and condition of the levers.
  • State of the mirrors.
  • Review of the condition of the fairing.
  • State of the seats, fenders and handles.
  • Registration status.
  • Checking the levels of polluting emissions.
  • Exhaust Check.

In addition to this, it must be taken into account that mopeds go through specific tests, since they are vehicles that cannot exceed 45 km/h in speed, so it is verified that this is the case. In addition, a check of the exhaust is also carried out, which will have to have the corresponding homologation and pass the noise test.

After the ITV inspection, it will be reported if it is favorable. In the event that this is not the case, there will be a period of two months to solve the problems and carry out the inspection again. If it is negative, the vehicle is considered a danger to be in circulation, and it will not be authorized to circulate until its negative aspects are resolved.