How to Disassemble a Starter Motor?

The starter motor is a fundamental element in a vehicle, since it is in charge of starting the engine of a car. This is integrated by an electric motor that is activated with the ignition key.

When the starter fails, it must be changed, since it does not allow the vehicle to start. In this way it is necessary that you know how to disassemble a starter motor if you intend to repair it or replace it with a new one.

Before explaining the steps, you must follow to disassemble a starter motor, we are going to talk about a series of signs that may lead you to think that it is time to proceed with its change, such as the following:

  • The engine shows problems when starting.
  • When the engine does not react when turning the ignition key even though the battery is in good condition.

When disassembling the starter motor to try to locate the fault, you must bear in mind that each model will be different depending on the type of vehicle, but in general it is made up of:

  • Housings that act as a support for the relay and that allow the fixing of the starter motor to the gearbox.
  • Toothed crown that meshes with the flywheel of the engine. It is in charge of transmitting the movement. Turning the ignition key is when it is pushed forward by the relay to connect.
  • Electric motor rotor, element that rotates and comes into contact with the brushes.
  • Stator, which is the one that breaks the magnetic fields to make the rotor move.
  • Brushes that maintain the connection with the electric current.
  • Solenoid electromagnet.

Instructions for disassembling a starter motor

If you want to know how to disassemble a starter motor, you must follow these steps:

  1. First you must disconnect the positive terminal of the battery.
  2. Next, identify the exact position of the starter motor in your vehicle, so that you can determine if it should be accessed from the bottom or the top, as well as if it is located in the front or rear of the engine. In the event that it is from the top, it will not be necessary to raise the car, while if it is from the bottom, it will be necessary.
  3. Later you must locate the connections and also the positions in which the cables that provide power to the starter motor are located, which will generally be two or three.
  4. Once detected, you must disconnect all power.
  5. With the cables disconnected you will have to analyze the different fixing points that the starter motor has. This will be fixed to the gearbox and, depending on the model, it may also be fixed to the motor unit. All this will depend on the car model and brand.
  6. Once the fixing points have been detected, you must remove the starter motor.
  7. Keep in mind that there is usually a guide that is designed to center the starter in the gearbox. You must keep this guide to later reposition it, as well as the fixing support.

When you have done this process you can continue with your repair by placing a new starter motor. To do this you will have to follow the same steps but in reverse order, so that you can have the car again without problems and in good working order.

What do you need to disassemble a starter motor?

  • Wrenches tools for disassembly (may vary in type depending on the brand and model).
  • Voltmeter

Tips for removing a starter motor

  • As with any other repair that you can carry out on your car or any other current device, given the existence of high-quality cameras in mobile phones, it is highly advisable to take pictures of the old starter to be able to know how it was connected and thus keep in mind all the connections for the subsequent connection of a new one. This way it will be easier to avoid mistakes.
  • Before removing the starter motor from your vehicle, make sure that it is the problem with your vehicle, ruling out beforehand that it could be a problem with the battery or connections. For this you can also use a tester to make sure that the current is reaching this element.
  • When you are going to carry out the manipulation of this type of vehicle parts, it is very important that you take extreme precautionary and safety measures, so you must protect both your hands and your hands, in addition to securing the vehicle so that it does not move while you do all the work.
  • Whenever you work with electricity you should disconnect the positive battery cable to reduce the risk of an accident.
  • To avoid problems with the starter motor and reduce the chances that you will have to change it for a new one, it is important that you carry out good maintenance on it. For this reason, it is advisable to avoid the accumulation of dirt inside. To clean it, the ideal is to use a brush soaked in gasoline, thus trying to remove the remains of dirt and at the same time the piece is well lubricated. Before putting it back, you must dry it carefully, using a microfiber cloth. You can also find different spray products on the market that help lubricate different elements that make up the starter motor.