How to Choose the Perfect Trailer?

Many vehicle owners find themselves needing or wanting a trailer at some point, although knowing how to choose the perfect trailer for each particular case can be a bit more complicated than you might think, either at when buying a new one, second-hand or simply renting it.

What should you look for when buying a trailer?

To know how to choose the perfect trailer for your car, you must take into account some aspects and factors, among which are the following:


If you are looking for how to choose the perfect trailer, you should think about the merchandise you are going to transport, since depending on the use you are going to give it, you will be able to find more suitable types of trailers.

If you need a trailer to transport elements that do not have a great weight, you can opt for a small trailer that does not require brakes. However, if you need to transport heavy goods, you should look for a double-axle model to offer greater safety and stability in transport.

In addition, you must take into account the route that you are going to make frequently with them, since you do not have the same needs if you are going to deal with long journeys, where a large trailer is better; or if they are going to be short trips, where the preferable option is to opt for a smaller trailer.


Once you have thought about what you are going to transport and the routes you are going to make with your trailer, you must make sure that your vehicle is appropriate to place it. It is necessary that you keep this in mind since if you make an inappropriate choice you can endanger driving.

The vehicle must be in perfect condition and be able to use the trailer without destabilizing it. Depending on the vehicle you have, you can choose a type of hitch.

In the case of SUVs and commercial vehicles, it is possible to opt for any type of hitch, whether fixed ball, mixed or removable. For its part, with regard to passenger cars, the use of a removable ball as a hitch is recommended, so that it can be removed when not in use.

Documentation and permits

To comply with the General Vehicle Regulations, you will need to comply with all the documentation and permits required to use a trailer.

If you want to know how to choose the perfect trailer, you must have the appropriate documentation to be able to hook it to your vehicle. In this sense, it is important to be aware that, if you have the B license, you can only drive a car with a trailer of less than 750 kg of maximum authorized mass (MMA), that is, small trailers; and provided that, in total, the weight does not exceed 3,500 kg.

However, if you need a larger size trailer, you will need to obtain a B+E permit. In this case, the car and trailer must weigh between 4,250 and 7,000 kg.


The trailer must have a high quality so that it can perfectly fulfill its mission. For this you must know the materials that have been used for its manufacture.

In this sense, steel and galvanized steel is a highly resistant material, which makes it commonly used for this type of vehicle. However, if you are looking for a lighter model, aluminum is an alternative option and, in addition, they are cheaper.

second hand or new

It is possible that when making the purchase you doubt whether to get a new or second-hand trailer. Here it will depend on your budget and preferences, since second-hand ones are cheaper. If you are going to opt for a used one, make sure you check the trailer, both in its condition and quality.

The ITV in the trailer

In the case of light trailers weighing less than 750 kg, they are included in the towing vehicle insurance, in addition to the fact that they do not need to pass the Vehicle Technical Inspection (ITV). The trailer is included in the corresponding vehicle policy and does not have to be registered with the General Directorate of Traffic (DGT).

In the event that it is a trailer between 751 and 3,500 kilograms, it must include a brake system, pass the ITV and be registered with the DGT.

Regarding when it should be passed, it must be taken into account that those who are up to two years old are exempt. Between 2 and 6 years old they will pass the ITV every two years; from 6 to 10 years, they will pass the ITV every year; and trailers over 10 years old will pass the Vehicle Technical Inspection every 6 months.

In addition, you must bear in mind that it is not possible to travel at more than 8 km/h on dual carriageways and highways using a trailer, while on the rest of the roads it is reduced to 70 km/h. On roads, the maximum speed cannot exceed 25 km/h.