How Is The ITV for Electric and Hybrid Vehicles?

At present, more and more people are deciding to choose an electric or hybrid car, as it is already common to see them on our roads. These vehicles with alternative combustion propulsion systems offer different advantages, including their consumption, but as with other vehicles, they must also pass the Vehicle Technical Inspection (ITV) when the time comes.

In this way, if you have a Tesla car or any other electric or hybrid vehicle, you will be interested in knowing what the ITV is like for electric and hybrid vehicles, which is the topic that we are going to deal with in the next few lines.

This way you can put an end to the most common doubts about it, such as the differences that their inspections have compared to those of the rest of the vehicles.

The ITV for hybrid cars

First of all, we are going to talk about the ITV for hybrid vehicles, which are the most common on Spanish roads. In these types of cases, the ITV focuses for the most part on the polluting emissions test. This type of vehicle has a combustion engine that is generally gasoline, although it is accompanied by an electric one.

This motor works in a direct or indirect way depending on the chosen model; since in some models the gasoline engine is the one that generates electricity and at the same time propels the car; and in others it only works with the aim of generating electricity for the electric motor to work. In either case, it must be subjected to a gas test.

For this reason, hybrid cars have anti-pollution systems such as the lambda probe, catalytic converter…; and it must be verified that the entire system works properly, as it is approved. In this case, the test is similar to that of a normal combustion engine. In general, all hybrid models have an option to force the vehicle to start with the combustion engine, although each of them has its own peculiarities.

Likewise, this type of car, like the rest, undergoes a diagnostic test using OBD. In it you can see possible failures in it.

The ITV in electric cars

Electric cars do not have to go through the polluting emissions test when carrying out the Vehicle Technical Inspection (ITV); like motorcycles and electric mopeds, which also do without this step within the test.

As for the rest of the tests that must be passed, the procedures are exactly the same as for the rest of the vehicles. However, it has the particularity that special attention is paid to all the electrical elements that are part of the vehicle’s propulsion. In this way it is possible to determine if there are connection errors, incorrect assemblies, corrosion problems, etc.

In the same way, it must be taken into account that there are some tests that these vehicles must pass and that the rest of the vehicles do not have to do, such as those related to high voltage wiring or batteries.

According to current European Union regulations, electric and hybrid vehicles are required to have the so-called Acoustic Vehicle Warning Systems (SAAV or AVAS). This system can also be counted on the ITV as it is a security system.

However, as has always been the case as vehicles have been modernized and evolved, ITV inspections are adapting. For this reason, it is most likely that in a matter of years the control measures on electric and hybrid vehicles will be increased.

Among the most notable points of the inspection of electric and hybrid hybrid cars is their price.

This is due to the fact that in most cases you can enjoy special discounts despite the fact that, officially, the price of the ITV is identical to that of a combustion car.

Documentation for ITV in hybrid or electric cars

A question that many people have when wondering what the ITV is like for electric and hybrid vehicles is if some type of documentation is needed. The answer to this question is negative. An electric car does not differ in this sense from a combustion car, since the only thing that makes it different is the energy source used for its movement.

For this reason, when you go to the station you must do so with a circulation permit; vehicle data sheet; DNI and current insurance receipt. In addition, if the ITV has already been passed before, the ITV card will have to be presented.